Monday, October 16, 2006

Chris Bell for Texas Governnor!

I am early voting for Chris Bell ASAP. He is eloquent, intelligent, and knows about state governmental processes. He is also pro-choice, anti-school voucher, pro-alternative energy. He is against gay marriage. Boo.
All the candidates are, however. I voted for him anyway and will bombard him with correspondence when he is elected.
#2 Civil rights and desegregation were once thought of as liberal ideas. I am now calling myself a moderate because the first step in making justice restorative, education effective, using stem cell research, gay marriage, alternative energy, women's rights, etc, etc, etc normative is viewing them as such.
This week, however, at the suggestion of dad, I am not listening to NPR.

1 comment:

Kenneth said...

I was just reading through the Austinist and discovered that the Old 97's were playing at Stubbs tonight. Well that got me thinking about Dallas music, and of course I thought about the summer that I was at every Meredith Miller Starbucks show. And so I decided to look you up. I was looking through Google and mostly found websites selling ifihadahifi, but then I found someone really excited to have found your blog.

So I thought I would comment on your blog and say hi. I hope everything is well for you. I probably wouldn't have left a comment, but then I found this post...and I wanted to say I agree with every thing you wrote here and that I also voted for Chris Bell. True, he doesn't support gay marriage, but even a lot of national Democrats don't support gay marriage. In another twenty years, most people will think it's silly to withhold marriage rights. It's just a matter of time.

Anyway, (on behalf of gay people) thanks for the support.


PS - not sure why I wrote this comment as if I was telling a story, but there it is,