Sunday, October 14, 2007


Changing American standards of "beauty." Sure, I'll buy Dove stuff for that reason.
Short Film

Picture at 21 weeks

Notice the stump. Had to get rid of the pecan tree to make room for Hank.


Fred Worm said...

What a horrible message to send to young girls, that beauty is not the most important thing in the world. I demand equal time.

Shelley G said...

You are ONE beautiful pregnant woman! I cannot wait to meet your genetically superior offspring. I love you.

Shelley G

meredithlouisemiller said...

Fred, I am really hoping someone sent you that link, and you weren't googling "child pageant." haha.
That is FREAKY. I hope Hank doesn't get involved in the pageant scene.

g said...

holy smokes, congratulations!
absolutely stunning and amazing news. i am overjoyed for you.

i hope your child figures out how cool of a mom he's got.

Fred Worm said...

That was produced by a friend of a friend. There is so much wrong with that whole pagent deal it's hard to decide where to begin. The short was calculated to make people very uncomfortable by the end. Worked for me. I don't believe Hank will be involved in the pagent scene, his Mom is very demure and shy. She will train him to avoid the spotlight.... and to not wear blue eyeshadow!