Friday, August 28, 2009

no news good news

Not much new except my mammary glands are shrinking back to their normally stealthy, pre-pregnacy, post-nursing state. It took about a week for them to cool it. O U C H. I was disappointed in this whole "reproductive process" with the pregnancy, birth, weaning pain thing. Oh, the kid's worth it. I guess. (Times 1 million!!!, and the quotation marks are supposed to be hilarious).
Drove to Gonzales, TX to get some dancing boots. They are SOOOOOO pretty. DID and I are going to do a C&W competition in Houston on Oct 10. I am playing at the ESD alumni BBQ reunion on Oct 9 in Dallas, so it's going to be a B U S Y weekend. We did some 2-step on Wednesday, and doing it in 3" Latin shoes is not very easy. I think these will be very adaptive. And, we're doing a cha cha, east coast swing, and waltz for sure. If I learn fast, we'll do triple two, also, and I could possibly get a placement.
Apparently, DID's first C&W competition didn't go great. I am looking at it more casually than my first triathlon (which I did enjoy on a purely spiritual level in my aerobars riding through the rain feeling like Lori Bowden, laughing through the run. Ouch transition...awkward...). Yes, I will do my best, but I feel very calm about it, and looking forward to it for 100% fun. First triathlon did something vaguely resembling breast stroke to avoid having to look into the scary Texas Lake - for 800 meters! I don't feel like I'll have to hold my breath through any of the dance competition. 100% fun. Hell, 110%!
Going to get off the computer to practice dancing.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

still crazy

For some reason my blogger was instantly translating into Hindi...
Realized I was in the middle of serious people pleasing with DID. Must be because he reminds me of dad. Decided to do a Rumba with DIT and the Cha Cha freestyle with DID (like the salsa one with other couples dancing at the same time). And I am going to do the Lindy/Blues team. I agonized over the decision, and I still feel guilty about it. It's my money, and I should take lessons from whomever I feel like. I am very loyal. And I guess the flip-side is I regrettably hold grudges. I realized the other day I am still irritated with my cousin for not intervening more at White Water when someone took my bikini top off. She didn't take it off. I don't remember who did. I was MORTIFIED, and I remember her laughing and pointing with the other people who saw. I was 12. Going to try to let that one go. And this one, too.
Having a hard time leaving the house, lately. Don't know why.
Supposed to go to the Hilton downtown tonight with BH. We are going to take the kid due to a change in babysitting arrangements. Hank woke up at 4:30 am this morning, and just started napping at 9 am. He woke up at 10 and Brad went and got him. He fell right back asleep listening to my new favorite song, "That Look You Give That Guy."
I guess he and Brad are both asleep, now.
I am going to Lindy class at 3 pm no matter how I feel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Lamento Boliviano

Been looking for this Bachata, and my salsera friend, Becca knew exactly what I was talking about. I looked up the lyrics, then went to yahoo babelfish, and this is what I got. I love poor translations. They make laugh me hardly.

They want to me to shake
they insitan to me to shout
I am as a rock words does not touch to me
inside there is a volcano
that soon it is going to explode
I want to be calm…

A desolation is my situation
I am like a moan, Bolivian moan
that a day empezo and is not going to finish
and to nobody makes damage…

And I am here
drunkard and crazy person
and my stupid heart
it will always shine
and I landed on water to you
I landed on water to you by always
baby you do not comb to you in the bed
that the travelers are going away to be slow…

And I am here
drunkard and crazy person
and my stupid heart
it will always shine
and I landed on water to you
I landed on water to you by always
baby you do not comb to you in the bed
that the travelers are going away to be slow

And I am here
drunkard and locoy my stupid heart
he will always shine
and I landed on water to you
I landed on water to you by always baby you do not comb to you in the bed

Sunday, August 02, 2009


woke up worrying. I never believed in insomnia until I started having it. just like I never believed in alcoholism until I came down with a bad case of it. I remember the first time I had insomnia, which may not have been the first time, but the first time I remember. I was staying at Brad's while we were dating. I woke up worrying about not being able to teach conditioning swimming - like I lacked the ability. I cried, and he comforted me. how sweet. I think that was the last time he comforted me while I cried. haha. well, them's the breaks. I hate to admit that one persistent cause of my insomnia is lack of spousal approval. of course, the cause is intermittent, so is the condition.
I read in that David Deida book about men for men with a few hints about how to figure us gals out, that men should let us know they approve of us. it's what we want. geez, that bugs me, but it's true. and not just Brad's approval, but all men. clearly, this is an artifact of pleasing dad. I think men want to please their dads, also. moms approve of the kids' poop, so there is no yearning for approval from mom. not that there aren't exceptions to that one, too.
went to hang out with my parents yesterday to give Brad some alone time. it seemed everyone was having a hard time yesterday. my advice for you fellas is, if you can't give us your uncondtional approval, at least tell us, out loud, what it is that you want. we don't know. don't assume we know. it may seem obvious to you, but unless you tell us, we don't know. plus, mind reading is usually inaccurate, anyway, so even if we think we know what you want, we don't. I thought all men wanted to have a lot of sex. apparently, not true.
I also woke up thinking about Stewart Lupton. I dreamed Brad and I had gone to some crazy Christian prayer service that went on until 3 am. we had left in the middle, but left our car parked in a crowded parking lot in the yard of the house where the service was. while we were trying to get out of the parking lot, I realized Brad had morphed into Stewart Lupton, and I was enjoying hugging his smooth, olive skin. and the car we were driving was built for the UK. just thinking I need to finish/rewrite the melody to the song I have about SL.

watched the first 40 minutes of Babel yesterday while I exercised. so far, I am sorry, but it stinks. maybe the dots connect and it gets better. I'll try to finish watching it at some point. we've had the netflick for about a month, though.
I practiced my turns as DID suggested yesterday upstairs on the wood floor. if I could get past the first 10 minutes of being mortified that anyone was watching me, I might practice at Go Dance where I could see myself in a mirror. I know no one is watching me warm up or practice or whatever, but I feel SO silly and self-conscious when I do. I could take a hint from DID in that he looks in the mirror and practices and doesn't notice if anyone else is in the room.
going to do a Rumba spotlight with DID and a Cha Cha freestyle. AND I am going to be on the Lindy team. the dances with DID will not be any more practice time than I am already doing. the Lindy team practices on Saturday afternoons, but it's just for 2-3 hours in Sept, Oct, and Nov. Brad did withdraw his approval after I mentioned this, but he was the same amount of mad at me he has been since way before I started dancing. his complaint was that all my free time I spend dancing. that is 3-4 hours on Sunday, and 1-2 hours during the week when my parents watch him. this doesn't seem excessive to me, world.
he also wants me to come up with a plan as to how I will contribute to the family. I am still pondering this one. of course, here I am, world, at 5 am spending my free time trying to figure it all out. I think I spend WAY more of my "free" time doing that (wasting?) than anything else. I also obsessively clean. that one seems somewhat adaptive.

I hope I get to pick up DID and DIB from the airport on Tuesday night. I have wanted to talk with them at the same time for a long time. I probably won't get to ask them all I want to, but maybe we can make another dinner date since I cancelled the last one. the German and the Italian said they don't mind if Hank is wandering around during dinner. I just have to figure out what to fix that will be easy enough for me to make, yet unoffensive to the international palettes. I told them I was going to fix bratwurst lasagna. I thought that was a good one, but I am not sure they realized it was a joke.

I just published the post and my google ads came up with one for Kay Bailey. if she gets anywhere near the governor's seat, not that Rick Perry isn't horrible enough, I will suggest cecession, myself, then move! or maybe just cecession for Austin out of Texas into the greater US. that would be the best. Barack Obama, and no Rick Perry.