Wednesday, March 22, 2006


WU 200 free
2 x 100 IM
200 pull
2 x 100 IM
200 kick with fins on back

2 x 25 fly :05R
4 x 50 back :10R
6 x100 breast :15R
8 x 200 free, descending 1-3, 5-7, 4 and 8 are easy :20R

12 x 50 breast kick :10R

300 back/drill/back
50 ez free
=4600 it was fun and challenging.

200's were about same both times through. Funny, I don't have a faster than about 1:45/100m pace. With tons of rest, I can get it down closer to 1:35, but I guess the good news is, it doesn't get much slower, even for 500.

HED secretary says IRB will not take 3-4 months. Decided to take SEM this summer. Ugh. But maybe it will make me a better researcher. Afterall, my whole study is self-report survey data. The work is in the analysis and interpretation. I want to be able to make conclusions from my results, and I don't want to use procedures that would not be taken seriously.
Using multiple regression to find 3 mediators would shoot type I error through the roof. And who wants that?

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